Roles and users are set up in the Access Management section:
In the User Management you will have visibility of the list of users entered, which can be filtered by license type (recruiter or manager), by role based on those that have been created, by user status (all status, locked, unlocked, enabled, disabled) and finally by assigned Node.
NB: In the list, users blocked by the Admin will be highlighted in red, while those who have been temporarily disabled due to many failed access attempts will be highlighted in orange. In the latter case, to enable them again, users will have to reset their password by clicking on the Forgot Password? button on the Login page.
There are two types of licenses in nCore HR, Recruiter and Manager. The former is enabled to precise functions based on the role created and then assigned, while the latter will allow managers to have access to the platform with functions limited to:
- viewing of Node Statistics;
- management of Position Models;
- compiling Internal Datasets;
- evaluation of candidates within the profile;
- candidate selection via the cup
- viewing of authorisation processes;
- connection and use of Calendar Manager;
- organising Live Interviews with candidates.
The number of available licenses for recruiters and managers is defined by contract and will be displayed at the top of the page with an indication of the available and actually used users:
In case you wish to update the number of licenses, you can click on the Add Licenses button and your request will be forwarded to an nCore HR sales representative:
Once the upgrade is complete, the new user can be added with the Add new user button. For each new user must be defined the first name, last name, email, type of license (Recruiter or Manager), type of role (which involves certain functions/abilities freely defined within the environment), and finally, the access, i.e. whether the user will have visibility of all Nodes or only certain Nodes:
In order to assign access, it will be necessary to select the Nodes in the tree: to give access to all Nodes, only the Parent Node needs to be flagged, while to give access only to specific Sub-Nodes, you should select the specific Sub-Nodes.
The new user will appear in the list below where you will have the options to edit, lock or delete the user (blocking is only a temporary state, while deleting will be permanent). With the Move button positions can be assigned to another user (e.g. in the case of user deleting):
The same options can be found in the drop-down menu Select item(s) and choose an action at the top of the list, thus allowing them to be activated on more than one user simultaneously based on those selected from the list:
Users deleted with the Delete button will end up in the Deleted users box at the bottom of the page and will decrease the total number of users used by the recruiter or manager, depending on which license was assigned to the deleted user. Deleted users can be reactivated with the Restore button or from the drop-down menu, thus increasing the total number of users entered again, and this will only be possible within 90 days, after which the unrehabilitated user will be permanently deleted:
In Role Management, on the other hand, it will be possible to create the roles of users with a recruiter license, thus allowing the user's functions/abilities to be freely defined on the basis of the assigned role.
By default, the Admin role will be available, to which all functions have already been activated (in the event that you wish to change the authorisations, simply click on Edit).
To create new roles, click on Add new role. On the page that opens you will need to enter the name of the role in the Name field and then select the functions to which you wish to enable the role you are creating.
On the right-hand side there will be a short description for each function, as well as a tooltip with a graphic indication. In the bottom right-hand corner you will then need to click on Add and the new role will appear in the list of roles under Admin.
Once the user has been added, you have to share the following link with the newly added user.
To log in for the first time, he/she will have to click on Forgot Password? in the form that will appear, enter his/her e-mail and then receive an e-mail from the system to change the password. With the new password and the email address, he/she will then be able to log in using the above link.
The steps just described are necessary for all first log-ins.
Single Sign-On (SSO) access can also be activated for users with an Office 365 or a Google Workspace account. In so doing, it is possible to log in to the platform automatically, without having to enter a username and password. To enable SSO, the client must provide the nCore technical team with the Tenant ID to be used.
How to change master account
The Master Account is the user who owns the environment and usually corresponds to the person who signed the contract with nCore HR.
The permissions of the Master Account, compared to other users, are:
- The setting the retention period, which determines how long candidate data is kept within the environment, after which it must be renewed or deleted;
- The display of the audit log, i.e. the section that keeps track of all the activities carried out by the users of the environment.
If, exceptionally, it is necessary to change the Master Account, you will need to contact your contact person in nCore HR and via email:
- Transmit to her/him the confirmation from the previous Master Account to make the change to the new user specifying his/her name, surname and email. The contact person in nCore HR will share the confirmation with the technical team who will carry out the Master Account changeover;
- In the event that the previous Master Account cannot be found, then the reference person who signed the contract will have to forward the change confirmation;
- If the signatory is also not reachable, then the confirmation of the change will have to be communicated on headed notepaper by the company legal representative.