Inheritance of Nodes
Some settings of the Parent Node are automatically inherited by the Sub-Nodes linked to it, so if there is a need to have different settings in specific Sub-Nodes, it will be necessary to enter the Sub-Node of interest and set graphics, Datasets, Templates etc. accordingly. These settings will also be inherited by the Sub-Nodes (if any) subordinate to the Sub-Node in question.
Specifically, the settings that are inherited by the Upper-Nodes are:
- Graphics in the Branding part: the graphic settings of the Parent Node are inherited by the Sub-Nodes, except if changes are made afterwards directly in specific Sub-Nodes.
For example, if the Logo is set in the Parent Node, it will automatically appear in Sub-Nodes A and B, but if the Logo is subsequently changed in Sub-Node B, the change will release Sub-Node B from the inheritance with the Parent Node (exclusively as far as the Logo is concerned). Thus, if the Logo is replaced in the Parent Node, the update will no longer appear in Sub-Node B, but only in Sub-Node A.
In this part, the Public name, Display sender name and Advanced settings are the only graphic settings that do not follow the logic of the inheritance principle - Datasets: All Datasets, Internal Datasets and Internal Position Datasets created in the Parent Node will also appear in Sub-Nodes, where they can be used but not edited. In order to make changes to Datasets, it will be necessary to access the Parent Node and these will automatically be visible in the Sub-Nodes. This means that users who do not have access to the Parent Node, despite being able to use all the Datasets they have inherited, will not be able to enter the setting tab of the Datasets created.
For this reason, an Info Tooltip field is available within the Datasets, which allows users who do not have access to the Parent Node to understand the contents of the Dataset via a short description. - Fixed Datasets: if Datasets are made fixed in the Fixed Dataset part of the Parent Node, then these settings will also be inherited in the Sub-nodes, unless changes are made in the latter. In this case, the Sub-nodes would inherit the changes in the Sub-node in which the change was made.
- Pipelines: All Pipelines created in the Parent Node are inherited in the underlying Nodes and can be used. Unlike Datasets, inherited Pipelines can be modified in Sub-Nodes by clicking on Extend pipeline and the changes will only be visible and irreversible in the Sub-Node in question. Inheriting a Pipeline will also inherit automatons (The following
button allows visibility of inherited automatons); however, Extend pipeline will result in the loss of automatons.
In the Pipeline settings, it is possible to select the Sub-Nodes that will inherit it. - Templates: These settings are also inherited from the top down and can be changed in the relevant section for individual sub-nodes (changes can be undone via the Reset button).
As in the Pipeline, the Custom Templates also contain the tree for establishing inheritance in the Sub-Nodes. - Position models: follow the same logic as Templates. Models may be used in Sub-Nodes but not modified (access to the Parent Node is required to do this).
- Authorisation Processes: As with Pipelines and Custom Templates, Authorisation Processes can also be determined via the tree in which Sub-Nodes they are to be inherited. The processes created can therefore be used in the Sub-Nodes, but not modified (access to the Parent Node is required for modification).
- Job Boards: By activating Job Boards in the Supplier part, these will appear directly in the Sub-Nodes where they will automatically be made available via the Post to Job board button.
Inheritance of settings
If the user has been enabled to the relevant policy, then under Node > Inheritance of Settings he/she will have access to the graph showing the inheritance of Fixed Datasets and Pipelines in the Node tree.
The following tree structure will be used to explain the reading of the graph:
-Node A > Parent Node
-Node B and C > Sub-Nodes of Node A which are at the same level
-Node D > Sub-Node of Node B
- Fixed Dataset
To view the inheritance of Fixed Datasets in Nodes, select the type of Dataset (candidate, internal or position) from the drop-down menu and then click on the Update Graph button.
-Parent Node A is gold: this means that Parent Node A has set some Fixed Datasets which can be viewed by clicking on the little arrow key next to it.
-Sub-Node C is gold: it has inherited the same Fixed Datasets as Parent Node A
-Sub-Node B is blue: it has not inherited the same Fixed Datasets as Parent Node A. In Sub-Node B the Fixed Dataset configuration has been changed. To see the changes, click on the arrow key of Sub-Node B: Fixed Datasets with a blue label have been added, while Fixed Datasets with a red label have been removed.
Clicking on the arrow key will also display the Reset button to restore the original settings and return to inheriting the Fixed Datasets of Parent Node A (Sub-Node B will revert to gold).
-Sub-Node D is grey: it inherits the Fixed Datasets from Sub-Node B which is blue and has become detached from Parent Node A which is gold.
- Pipeline
The Pipeline graph shows the visibility of Pipelines in the Tree Nodes.
From the drop-down menu, select a specific Pipeline and then click on the Update Graph button.
Please note: Only for users with the respective policy, the buttonfor direct access to the Pipeline editing page will also appear next to the Pipeline title.
- Node A and Node C are gold: the selected Pipeline is present in these Nodes.
-Node B is blue, meaning that the selected Pipeline is not present in this Node: Node B was not selected from the following tree when creating the Pipeline in question
-If the Pipeline was created in Node B, then Node B and Node D are gold. Node A and Node C, on the other hand, are grey. Following the logic of top-down inheritance, in Node A and C the Pipeline in question will never be visible because it was set up in Node B, which is below Node A and at the same level as Node C.
- Report
For both Fixed Dataset and Pipeline you will have the button to download a report with chart details.
- Fixed Dataset
The report shows:
-First column: Node ID
-Second column: Upper Node ID
-Third column: Node Name
-Fourth column "Has configuration": If the Node has an accurate Fixed Dataset configuration, then the value "1" will be reported
-Fifth column "Previous node configuration": the ID of the Node from which the precise Fixed Dataset configuration is inherited
- Pipeline 
The report shows:
-First column: Node ID
-Second column: Upper Node ID
-Third column: Node name
-Fourth column "Has visibility": The value "1" indicates whether the pipeline is present in that Node