Each position has its own characteristics, so the data required from the candidate may also be different. With nCore HR, you can easily create the data sets to be provided by each candidate. This means that it will be possible to search for a specific piece of data on all candidates in the system.
In nCore HR there are 3 types of Datasets:
- Candidate Dataset;
- Internal Dataset ;
- Internal Position Dataset.
All Datasets can be configured within the main part called Node, in the Setup section.
The Custom Datasets (Candidate Datasets)
The Custom Dataset (Node > Setup > Custom Datasets > Add new dataset) is an information to be requested from the candidate during the first step of the application process. This information can be personal data, CVs, documents or other types of data that are used to start ranking candidates according to the profile you are looking for.
Creating a Dataset is very simple and intuitive; in case of doubt, you can consult the tooltips with a detailed explanation of the functionality of that particular field.
The fields in red are compulsory to fill in, while the others are optional.
To create a Dataset, simply enter the following information:
- Category: To order the Datasets present in the platform, especially if they are numerous, it is useful to fill in the Category field. This tool allows you to organise datasets into categories so that they are easily searchable when creating the position.
This information is only visible in the backend part (it is not present in the candidate area).
- Info Tooltip: short description of the Dataset to provide more information about the purpose of the Dataset, useful when choosing the Dataset in the second step of position creation.
This description is not shown in the public part addressed to the candidate.
- Translation: In this part you enter the translations of the Dataset in the languages in which it will be used. It is possible to translate it into all the language options that appear. For example, to create a Spanish language position, you must also translate the dataset used, by filling in the fields under the tab for the relevant language ('ES').
If the Dataset is not translated into the language of the position, this message will appear in the list of datasets: 'Dataset not available in this language' and consequently it will not be possible to publish the position with that dataset in it.
- Dataset Name: to be filled in with the title of the Dataset that will appear in the public part. For example: Personal Information / Curriculum / Professional Category...
- Description: here you enter the text explaining to the applicant the data requested when compiling the Dataset. For example: 'Please enter your professional category';
- Field type: the format of the answer that the candidate will enter, depending on the type of question being asked (open or closed, multiple answers etc.). The answer options are as follows:
text (single-line free text field. 5000 characters max.);
textarea (multi-line free text field. 5000 characters max.);
integer (number);
choice from predefined options* **(single or multiple answer);
advanced choice* **(with the possibility of assigning each answer a code, not visible to the candidate, but associated with the answer value, so that this data can be transferred to another management system);
possibility of uploading a file.
- Field name: name of the field relating to the answer. A dataset may contain more than one field, with the possibility of giving each one a different format. For example, when creating the dataset "Qualification", it is possible to create a field called "choose your qualification" the answer format "choice" and another field "file", where the candidate can upload their document relating to the qualification they have obtained.
- The Required box identifies whether the dataset in question will be mandatory or optional for compilation.
- The Show in Datatable box determines the visibility of the dataset column in the candidate list. In this case, it is possible to decide whether to show or hide certain information on the candidates collected already at the preview stage, without having to enter the candidate profile.
*By selecting Choice from predefined options and Advanced choice as the Field Type, three boxes will automatically appear: Multiple, Expanded and Searchable.
With the Multiple flag it is possible to select more than one answer, with the Expanded flag the options will not be arranged in a drop-down menu but will all be graphically visible and finally with the Searchable flag it is possible to facilitate the search for the answer among the numerous options by typing the first letters of the answer and thus displaying it instantly.
**By selecting the answer type Choice, it will be possible to enter the answer choices manually in the Choices field or to load them in bulk. In the latter case, by clicking on Import choices from a file and selecting the previously prepared file (in .csv or .txt format), the options will be loaded automatically. To see how the file should be structured, you can download an example from the Download Example button.
To insert the datasets created within a position, you can drag them from the left column (available datasets) to the right column (selected datasets) in step 2 of position creation.
Datasets highlighted in red are fixed datasets, which can be set in the Node > Setup > Advanced Setup > Fixed Datasets part. In this way, fixed datasets will be inserted by default in the process of creating a new position.
Datasets created in this section can also be used in the Pipeline automatisms.
Once set and inserted in the position, the dataset will appear in the second step of the application (the one that appears, if activated, after the candidate has entered the first name, surname and email on the landing page of the position).
In order to proceed with the application, the candidate must fill in, as a minimum, the mandatory datasets (those marked with an asterisk).
Internal Dataset
This is configured in Node > Setup > Custom Datasets and is created following the same steps as described above. To make it "Internal", simply click on the Internal Dataset box at the bottom left of the page.
When creating the Internal Dataset it may be specified for which user roles that Dataset may be visible. When a Dataset is created, in fact, if the Internal Dataset box is ticked, a new Show to all roles tick appears to make the Dataset visible to all roles.
If this last tick is removed, however, a Select the roles the Dataset should be shown to box appears where you can specify the roles for which the Dataset should be visible (in this case at least one role must be selected).
In addition to the Show to all roles flag, the Show to external recruiter flag will also appear, which will make the Internal Dataset visible to external recruiters (if involved in the search): checking the box will give any external recruiters the opportunity to fill in the candidate's evaluation forms directly in the interface dedicated to them.
Once created, the Internal Dataset will need to be activated for the position in the last step of setting up Add position > Summary > Advanced settings > Selected internal dataset.
When the position is then published, the Internal dataset will be visible in the candidate's profile, together with the other information gathered from the Datasets of both the application and the pipeline automatisms.
The main difference between the two types of Dataset is that the Custom Dataset is compiled by the candidate, while the Internal Dataset is compiled by the recruiter.
This type of Dataset, therefore, can be used to collect more sensitive information about the candidate, such as salary expectations or other information that is not usually requested through a questionnaire, but through a live interview or telephone interview.
Otherwise Internal Datasets can be used as internal evaluations of the candidate that can be shared with other recruiters or managers.
To share an Internal Dataset, simply enter the e-mail address of the person, who will then receive the Dataset to fill in with the candidate profile.
Once the recruiter or manager has finished completing the Internal Dataset, the user will receive an email notification and can see the answers in real time.
Internal Position Dataset
These are configured in Node > Setup > Advanced Setup > Internal Position Dataset.
The setup page for this type of Dataset is very similar to that of "normal" Datasets; the fields in red must therefore be filled in (If the answer type Choice is used, in the case of Internal Position Datasets, it will only be possible to massively upload answer choices by clicking on Import choices from a file as this Dataset type does not support manual input).
These two types of Datasets differ in functionality, however, in that Internal Position Datasets can be used to collect information on positions created in nCore (Location, type of contract, type of profile etc.).
Furthermore, by clicking the Show in datatable box when creating Internal Position Datasets, it will be possible to make certain data on that position visible in the list of published positions.
By selecting the Filter in job board page option, candidates will be able to use the Internal Position Dataset concerned as a filter in the Board of all published positions, which is integrated and made visible within their company site via the Your Job Board with filters link (available from the Branding > Useful links section).
Internal Position Datasets will then be activated in the last step of position creation by dragging them from left to right, Summary > Advanced Setup > Internal position dataset.
Alternatively, they can be made fixed for all positions by going to Node > Setup > Advanced setup > Fixed dataset and always moving them from left to right.
The Internal position datasets will then be visible in Positions > Add position and in the Datatable of the position list, where the Internal Position Datasets compiled during position creation can be made visible (if the Show in datatable option was chosen during position creation).