The Hiring Pipeline is a selection funnel whose steps represent the stages of the selection process leading to the recruitment of candidates.
The pipeline is set up in Node > Setup > Advanced Setup > Pipeline templates.
To create a new pipeline, simply click on Add New Pipeline and on the page that opens, enter the pipeline title in the red Name field (the latter will then be visible within the position by passing the cursor over the available tooltip ).
You will then need to create the desired step, by filling in the name you want to give to the first screening step in the Internal Name and Title fields, for example: Internal Name= First Screening and Title= First Screening.
In the Color field you can choose the color of the step that will be associated with the profiles of the candidates dragged into that step. Finally, using the Is Mandatory box you can decide that candidates must be moved into this particular step before they can be moved into the following steps.
To add the next step, simply click on Add pipeline step.
Once all pipeline steps have been created, click on Save in the bottom right corner.
It is possible to make changes to the pipeline by clicking on Edit (Node > Setup > Advanced Setup > Pipeline templates). However, these changes will not be visible for the positions already posted, but they will only apply to those that follow the saved changes.
To see the details of each pipeline, simply click on the tooltip . This will provide a preview of all the steps in the pipeline with an indication of any automatisms set (communications
or dataset
). This function is useful for those users who have limited roles within the platform or use pipelines set in upper-nodes and therefore do not have the policies to modify them. In this way they will have visibility of the pipeline content without having to access the detail screen.
Once the pipeline has been set up, you will need to link it with a specific position in the Position Setup phase (first step in creating a position).
After the position has been posted and the applications have been received, the pipeline will appear on the left side of the position page and you will then be able to manage the selection process by dragging and dropping candidates into the various steps of the funnel (either by holding down on the candidate's image in the list and manually moving them to a specific step, or by selecting one or more candidates from the list and moving them using the "move in pipeline" item from the drop-down menu).
In nCore HR, the pipeline can have multiple purposes, so it is possible to create several pipelines with different steps to suit the positions and thus various selection procedures for a given profile.
Using the pipeline in other languages
If you plan to create positions in other languages, e.g. Italian, you will need to enter the translated name of the pipeline step in the IT section (by adding both Internal Name and Title).
You can also create a pipeline for each position language, if you wish.
When you decide the language in which you want to post the position, the system will automatically display the steps in the respective publication language, with all system messages, automatic actions and datasets translated into this language. So if you post a position in Italian, the pipeline steps added in the IT box will be used.
Pipeline Automation
In the pipeline, Automatic actions can be activated if desired, i.e. the automatic sending of templates or datasets to those candidates dragged into the step where an automatic action has been set up. For example, in the last step of the pipeline where the selected candidates are collected, you might want to activate the instant sending of the documents necessary to conclude the contract.
To activate the automatic actions, you will first need to create the datasets and templates that you want to use in the pipeline, after which you will need to go to Setup > Advanced setup > Pipeline templates > Pipeline automation to associate them with the steps.
By clicking on one of the pipeline steps you will see two options: Custom communication and Datasets.
By opening Custom communication, you will see the list of templates created in the environment. To set them as an automatic action, simply move them from the left column (Available communications) to the right column (Selected communications) within the respective pipeline step.
The same applies to datasets, but with a slight difference. By moving a dataset into the right column, a new Template option will open in which the content of the messages that candidates will receive will be available together with the link to the dataset to be filled in. Here you can edit the content of the messages if necessary.
Subsequently, the steps of the pipeline in which automatic actions have been activated will be visually marked with orange dots, while the gray dots will simply indicate the steps in which no automatic action was enabled.
In addition, the following button will be displayed at the step with the automatism activated, providing a preview of the inserted Dataset or Template.
Pipeline moving automation
Finally, another type of automatism available in the Pipeline consists of the automatic moving of candidates to a step of your choice.
This automatism is linked to the compilation of Datasets and implies that in a step, in which the sending of Datasets has been set, the automatic moving of candidates to a subsequent step can be determined only after they have compiled all the Datasets received.
In fact, by dragging the Datasets from left to right within step A, the Moving folder will appear where you must select the step B to which you want the candidates to be moved once the Datasets assigned to step A have been compiled: