Within nCore HR there is a section containing logs of the activities performed within the platform by users belonging to the customer's organisation.
The section is only available to the Master Account role and can be found in the user's personal section:
Below are the recorded activities and their explanations.
'action.user.login' |
User logs in (either via the platform form or via an external provider (SSO)) |
'action.user.created' | A user has been created within the tenant |
'action.user.deleted' | A user has been deleted. Deletion involves anonymisation of the data |
'action.user.locked' | A user has been locked with the padlock functionality |
A user was unlocked with the padlock functionality |
A user tried to log in (via the platform form) and failed |
One user reached the maximum number of login attempts (via the platform form) and was blocked |
'action.user.reset.password' | One user has reset his password |
'action.user.edited' | A user has been modified |
'action.position.new' | A new position has been created |
'action.position.published' | A position was published |
A position was modified after it had been published |
'action.position.close' | A position was closed manually |
A closed position was reopened manually |
'action.position.duplicated' | A position was duplicated |
'action.position.archived' | A position was archived manually |
'action.position.deleted' | A position in draft was deleted |
A candidate was added to a position manually |
'action.position.import_applicant.from_file' | Several candidates are added to a position via a bulk import file |
'action.position.use_template' | A position uses a template/model for one or more steps |
'action.position_template.create' | A position template was created |
'action.position_template.edit' | A position template has been modified |
A position template has been deleted |
'action.position.extract_report' | A report was created for a specific position |
'action.node.new' | A new node was created within the node navigation |
'action.node.setup.retention_data.edit' | The data retention period for the tenant was modified |
The maximum time for sharing candidates externally has been changed |
The "keep alive" flag has been modified for the node |
'action.node.custom_scripts.edit' | Custom scripts for the node were modified |
'action.application.deleted.manually' | One application was manually deleted |
'action.application.deleted.gdpr' | One application was cancelled due to exceeding the set retention period |
'action.application.deleted.request' | One application was deleted per candidate request |
'action.application.deleted.by_api' | One application was deleted by API call |
'action.extraction.aggregated_by_company' | Statistics data were extracted per company/node |
'action.extraction.aggregated_by_position' | Statistics data were extracted per position |
'action.report.short_list' | The short list document (pdf or docx) was generated from the position |
'action.extraction.from_core_search' | Candidate data were extracted in xml/csv format from Core Search |
'action.external_recruiter.add_user' | An External Recruiter was added to a position/source |
'action.external_recruiter.remove_user' | An External Recruiter was removed from a position/source |
'action.extraction.from_position' | Candidate information was extracted in csv format in one position |
'action.field_set.created' | A Dataset (candidate or internal) was created |
One Dataset (candidate or internal) has been modified |
One Dataset (candidate or internal) has been deleted |
'action.position_field_set.created' | An internal Position Dataset has been created |
One Position Internal Dataset has been modified |
One Position Internal Dataset has been deleted |
A configuration for Fixed Datasets has been created for the node |
A configuration for Fixed Datasets has been updated for the node |
A configuration for Fixed Internal Datasets was created for the node |
'action.fixed_internal_field_set_config.updated' | A configuration for Fixed Internal Datasets has been updated for the node |
'action.fixed_internal_position_field_set_config.created' | A configuration for Fixed Internal Position Datasets was created for the node |
'action.fixed_internal_position_field_set_config.updated' | A configuration for Fixed Internal Position Datasets has been updated for the node |
'action.pipeline.created' | A pipeline has been created for the node |
'action.pipeline.updated' | A pipeline has been updated for the node |
'action.pipeline.extended' | A pipeline has been extended |