Under Node > Template you can create communication templates to be sent automatically to candidates.
Creating a template is very simple. Just click on New communication template and fill in the fields that appear in red:
- the name of the template (for internal use only, candidates will not see it);
- the subject of the email;
- and the content of the mail;
- any attachments.
Once all fields have been completed, click on Save and the newly created template can be used as:
1. Pipeline automatism, which will be sent automatically by email to candidates moved to the precise step in the pipeline where the template has been activated;
2. Messages to be sent to candidates via the drop-down list within the position.
It will be necessary to select one or more candidates and then from the menu Select applicant/s and choose an action click on Communications. This will display the list with the previously created templates.
Within the position and more precisely within the profiles of each candidate, you will also be able to send personalised emails (Candidate profile > Timeline > Send email). This option is available by connecting your email (Office365 or Google Workspace) via the Communicator in your profile in the top right-hand corner [Hi, [username]]:
1) Office365 > For Outlook integration with nCore HR to work, the customer's licence must contain access to an Azure AD environment
2) Google Workspace > To connect your Google account to nCore HR, you must ask your company's IT administrator to include the nCore application among those authorised within the Google Workspace Tenant. The documentation for defining application access can be found at the following link.
Being connected to the user's personal email, each email sent to the candidate will be viewable in the sent mail folder of Outlook mailbox, as well as in the Timeline of candidate's profile.
Use of placeholders
Templates can be customised and adapted to each position and candidate through the use of Placeholders. Placeholders are a useful feature that allows you to replace them with the data tracked on the candidate/position.
For example, by using placeholder %applicant.firstname% %applicant.surname%, the system will replace the value enclosed in "%" symbols with the candidate's first and last name.
The list of placeholders is available in the top right-hand corner and is marked with the .
Embedding of images
It is possible to upload an image (e.g. thumbnail, logo, footer, etc.) directly into the template, so that it is displayed in the body of the email the applicant receives. To do this, click on the image symbol in the multifunction bar and enter the image url. This must be uploaded to a public cloud, such as Amazon Bucket S3. Alternatively, you can also use images that are already on the customer's company site.
Using templates in other languages
Templates cannot be translated within the message so it will be necessary to create a different template for each language.