The published position will appear in the Positions > Published section where you will have visibility of a whole range of information related to the position, including the total number of applications (first column 'Appl.') where newly received ones will be marked in green in brackets.
In order to proceed with the selection process, you will have to click on the position title and you will have access to all the candidates who have applied. These will be displayed by the system in a list in the centre of the page.
In the top left corner you will see the pipeline (by positioning the cursor on the tooltip, it will be possible to display the title assigned to the pipeline during setting).
As already explained in the related article, the steps of the selection funnel represent the stages of the selection process, so by associating a specific pipeline with a position, you can decide to conduct the selection following the specific steps that will appear within the position section.
Therefore, candidates, whose applications have just been received, will be collected in the default step Not in pipeline and from there you will be able to drag them through the various steps of the pipeline, starting from the first and then to the next (from top to bottom).
In this way, depending on the steps you set up, you will be able to collect specific information about the candidates as you move them through the different steps, e.g. by activating automated processes (Datasets or Templates), sending Assessments or organizing Live Interviews.
Following this logic, the recruiter can decide whether to move candidates to the next steps.
To move candidates, simply hold down the candidate's image in the list and move them manually to a specific step; otherwise you can select one or more candidates from the list and move them via the Move in pipeline item in the drop-down menu.
Below the Pipeline is the Summary section, where:
- candidates who have not yet completed the application are collected in the In Progress folder;
- all candidates who have completed the application are collected in Inbox;
- the candidates rejected by the system (through the distance filter and/or scored questions) will appear in the Non-compliant folder;
- in Manual add you will find profiles manually added via the Import function.
Three buttons can be found at the top right of the page: Create Sourcing, Import Applicants and More. With regard to importing certain candidates into the environment, there are two modes, namely Import Candidates and Invite to Apply.
With the former, it is possible to add by Single entry or Massive import the candidates' emails and thus their profiles (these will be empty, so you can either add the data in the fields manually or invite them to apply via the drop-down menu). With the second, you will be able to massively invite candidates to apply for the position by uploading a .csv file with the names and emails (candidates will receive the link to apply by email). More information on the mass import of candidates can be found in the relevant article.
Further functionality can be found above the list of candidates, in particular four buttons and a drop-down menu.
Starting from left to right, the first button allows you to display the Datatable, in which both default information (e.g. details, evaluation, opinion (thumbs up and thumbs down), etc.) and any Datasets (if the Show in datatable box was ticked when setting them up) appear.
By clicking on one or more items in the Datatable you can make the respective column apprear in the list of candidates, and each column will directly display the data or answers of each candidate within on list.
Using the Datatable it will also be possible to display in the table the score reached in the Killer Questions step compared to the maximum set (Score) and the distance in kilometres between the job centre and the candidate's home address (Distance (Km)).
There are also the items Source, Age and Matching AI which allow you to view respectively the column that tracks which channel the candidate comes from, the age of the candidates based on the data entered in their CV and the match between the key words of the position and the information given in the CV.
Whereas, the next two buttons
allow you to select or deselect all candidates on the list, while the last one
allows you to download an excel file with the collected data of all candidates on the list.
For each candidate, in the case of previous applications for other job positions with the same e-mail address, the icon is displayed, which allows you to view the list of the last ten applications with details of the pipeline step reached, if any.
The Select candidate(s) and choose an action drop-down menu includes a series of settings useful for the selection process, which can only be activated if one or more candidates have been selected from the list:
- Move in pipeline, as already mentioned, allows you to move one or more candidates to the desired step;
- Invite to allows you to Apply and thus send an email inviting the candidate(s) to apply for the position in question via the provided link and to record a Video interview if this step has been created for that job position;
- Assessments, with this setting recruiters can send their candidates assessments via email. The respective results will be inherited in the candidate's personal profile in the Assessments tab;
- Live meeting option organizes online interviews with candidates, who will receive an email with a link to join the Live meeting (the same also applies to the recruiter). Interviews can be scheduled:
- Now, at the same time as you select this option;
- with Manual Scheduling which allows you to manually set the date and time;
- via Calendar Manager. This option allows you to connect your personal calendar (Outlook or Gmail) to the platform, so that the system can automatically send candidates the time-slots based on the appointments scheduled in your personal calendar;
- Communications allows you to send candidates the Templates set up in the Node > Templates part;
- Share (Send to) allows recruiters to send and share one or more profiles with people outside the platform (e.g. managers). From the list of candidates the sharing detail is displayed for each profile showing, by positioning the cursor, the date of the first share (if a further share of the candidate is made with the same user, the date of sharing does not change). In case of viewing by the manager, the date of first sharing will be replaced with the date of last viewing of the shared profile;
- Copy to creates a copy of the candidate profile in another position (by creating a copy the profile will not be deleted from the source position and the information will be inherited in the target position);
- Report (Create) emails the recruiter a report (in Word or PDF) with all the information collected about the candidate. You can define whether to share certain data in this file by going on the candidate's profile and then using Share > Sharing options position (you have to flag ON or OFF to choose if the information is to be shown);
- Bulk edit Internal Dataset is a functionality that allows you to edit one or more fields in one or more Internal Datasets. The modification will be reflected in all candidate profiles, except for those fields where information was entered by a manager via Share.