In addition to the mass import of a previously collected database, which is done once at the start of a contract, it is possible to import candidates into a position each time as needed (e.g. as a result of an active search).
Within the position page, on the right-hand side you will find the Import Applicants function which allows you to import certain profiles via the options Import Candidate and Invite to Apply. With the former, you can add your first name, last name and email, and the candidate's profile will appear in the list. With the latter, you can instead upload a .csv file with the names and emails of several candidates and in doing so the candidates will receive an invitation to apply for the position in question. Thus, with Import candidate you will simply add the profile of the candidate who can be invited to apply via the drop-down menu, while with Invite to apply you will directly email the link to apply for the position.
The Import Candidate option provides three options: Single Entry (which requires filling in the three fields: first name, last name, email of a single candidate), massive import (CSV Import) and AI Import*.
1. The Massive import is done through a .csv file and allows any additional information tracked through the datasets in the position to be entered besides the candidate's first name, last name and email.
To carry out the operation, the file template must first be downloaded (via the Download Model button) and filled in with the candidate data to be imported.
It is important to use the template as it is closely linked to the position and, in addition to the columns relating to the fields entered, it contains, in the first line, the unique data relating to the position in question. The file to be used is also easily recognisable by its title consisting of the position ID and the date and time it was downloaded.
Among the columns in the file, the only mandatory ones to be filled in are the candidate's first name, surname and email, while the other columns may possibly remain blank.
The other columns should be filled in with the contents of the relevant dataset, paying particular attention to the format used for the following types of dataset
- Dataset with answer type Single Choice: enter the answer value in the column (e.g. in a dataset with answer choices 'Yes' and 'No', enter in the column Yes or No)
- Dataset with the answer type Multiple Choice: enter in the column the answers in the format: ["a", "b"] (e.g. for a candidate who selected "English" and "French" in a hypothetical language skills dataset, the value to be entered in the column would be ["English", "French"])
- Dataset with the answer type Advanced Choice: enter the value and not the displayed option, as in the example:
Key; Value
EN; English
FR; French
The value to be entered is EN or FR in the case of single advanced choice, and for advanced multiple choice ["EN", "FR"].
- The columns for datasets with Choice (both single and multiple choice) and Advanced Choice are case sensitive, so the format in which the choices are entered in the dataset must be respected (e.g. if a choice option starts with an uppercase letter, it must also be entered in the same way in the file)
- Dataset with response type Integer (number): ensure that integer numbers are entered, other number or character formats are not allowed
- Dataset with response type Date: enter the date in one of the formats dd/mm/YYYY or yyyy-mm-dd
In the event that there are some fields in the import file that are not filled in correctly, the file will still be imported, except for the rows reporting the error. In this case, the user will receive an email notification containing the information on the line in the file and the email address of the candidate for whom incorrect information was entered.
Any attachments (such as CVs or other files) are not supported and should be uploaded manually once the import of candidates has been completed.
It is important to take into account that in the event of any changes to the position, the file containing all fields of the position is also updated; therefore, it is important to download it again before starting to fill it in.
Following the massive import, any new applications not yet present in the position will be added. Therefore, in the event of a change to the position, applications with emails already present will not be updated.
2. The AI import enables the import of candidate CVs into the position. For each uploaded CV, the artificial intelligence will automatically create the corresponding candidate profile filled in with the data extracted from the CV and inserted into the relevant Dataset.
To use the AI import you need to:
- Select the CV file(s) to be uploaded via the Choose Files button (maximum 1000 files). Supported CV formats are pdf, docx, doc, txt, rtf, odt
- Click at the bottom right on the Start Import button
- An import warning will appear notifying you of the upload (do not close or reload the page until the upload is complete)
- Once the upload is complete, an email will be sent to notify that the import has started and a second email will be sent when all CVs/profiles have been uploaded (upload time approx. 20 min). In this import process, the CVs were processed by the AI, which automatically created from the CV the candidate profile filled in with the most important information (First Name, Last Name, Email, mobile phone number, residential address) plus the CV file
- The candidate profiles extracted from the CVs will be collected in the Manual Add folder of the Overview
*This function is not active by default in the environment. Please contact your reference agent to activate it.