From the candidate list, it is possible to display default information, e.g. photo, candidate's name etc. Near the photo you will find the trash icon with which you can make the candidates no longer visible, hiding them from the list (this action is reversible if necessary).
Whereas, the Details section highlights information about the single candidate, i.e. whether they have recorded a video interview, whether a live meeting has been scheduled and whether their profile was shared externally with a manager.
The Rating refers to the rating of the profile left by the recruiter, the Score relates to the step of the Scoring Questions, and the Date records the date of application.
In order to access the information collected about the candidate, you need to open their profile by clicking on their first and last name.
On the page that opens you will find a series of tabs containing a whole series of information:
- The Overview tracks the candidate's first name, surname, email address, residence, mobile phone number and CV. To this is added all the information requested from the candidate by means of the Datasets created ad hoc or by means of automation (the words Pipeline automation step:... will be shown).
This tab also shows the Data Retention Expiry Date of the application with a toopltip indicating the date on which the first and second data deletion notices will be sent to the candidate.
All fields within the candidate's form are editable, so any data can be edited manually (including replacing the CV with another upload).
Please Note: The fields in the Overview tab are only editable if the user's assigned role in the environment has been enabled for this functionality. In the Access Management > Roles list part, by adding the role or editing it, it will be possible to assign or not assign this function (Application > Edit Candidate Information). - If Internal Datasets were set up for the position, these will be displayed in the respective Internal Dataset tab and can be filled in manually with the information to be tracked or can be shared with a manager to be filled in.
- The Map shows the location of the candidate. In case the distance filter was activated, in this section the system would also underline the geographical distance from the position address.
- If the scoring questions have been activated in the application, the Questions tab will also appear in the candidate's profile, where the questions, the candidate's answers and the achieved score will be displayed.
- If the Video Interview step has been set up in the position and the nCognitive Attitude Analysis filter has been activated, then the nCognitive tab will also appear in the profile showing the estimation made by the system on the basis of the Keywords used by the candidate in the answer. The latter will be given a positive, negative or neutral connotation.
- The last tab that may appear in the profile is the Assessment tab. By sending an Assessment from the drop-down menu, the candidate's results will be inherited in this section.
In the upper section of the profile you have the Rating which allows you to evaluate the candidate from 1 to 5.
In the top part of the profile page, you will also be able to review the video interview (if set up for the application process) and to select the Cup button . It is useful for the recruiter to track the Time to Hire in the statistics section (time between the opening of a position and the selection of the candidate; by selection we mean having clicked on the trophy button).
On the right side of the page, the Cv uploaded by the candidate will be displayed, above which you will see the following tabs:
- Share allows you to share the candidate's profile by entering the email of the person you wish to share it with (Share profile - Insert a new email). A field will then appear with the date and time of the viewing and possible evaluation.
Alternatively, in the Share Direct Access section you can generate a link to the candidate's profile in order to share it directly, e.g. via chat.
For both options, in the Sharing options position tab you can choose which information will be visible to the manager during sharing (just flag ON or OFF depending on which candidate information you want to show or hide). - Notes allows you to leave notes or feedback about the candidate, which can be saved as private notes Save private note or as team notes that will be visible to all platform users Save team note.
- Auth is the section where you can launch an authorization process to obtain your manager's consent to hire a candidate. The tab will appear if the candidate is moved to the step for which an authorisation process has been activated and from the drop-down menu you must select one of the processes previously created within the environment. You can then launch it by clicking on the Launch Auth Process button.
- The Timeline displays all candidate's activities within the platform.* By connecting the Communicator, a Send email button will appear at the top of the Timeline using which you will be able to write and send emails directly from the candidate's profile. To connect your email with this setting, you will need to go to your personal profile Hi, XXX > My profile > Communicator and click on Set account.
- In the event that a Document communication template was set up for a specific step of the pipeline and the candidate was moved to that step, the Doc tab will also appear in the profile, from which the file in question can be viewed and possibly downloaded. If the document has been created with the addition of placeholders, these will be filled in automatically with the information from the candidate's personal file.
* In the Timeline, applications are recorded in chronological order, specifying the channel they came from, any communications sent and all movements in the precise steps of the pipeline (with date, time and user who made the move in the pipeline recorded).
The following terminology will be specified for each application:
Ownership: If the candidature comes from a sourcing, the Agency that was selected from the Ownership drop-down menu will be shown.
If no Agency is selected, the Ownership will not be shown.
Origin name: This is the name assigned to the sharing and is defined by the user. If the application came via a generated link, the origin name will be the name entered in the field Link name. If the application came from Sourcing, the name of the Sourcing assigned in the Name field will be shown, whereas Web will be shown if the application came from the default URL. In the case of integrated job boards, the relevant name will be shown.
Origin Type: This is the type of sharing among those available on nCore HR from which the application came. By generating a URL via the Share button, the sharing type and thus the origin type can be Indeed, Facebook and/or Other or Web if the default URL was used. By adding the candidate manually and inviting him/her from the drop-down menu the sharing type will be Manual add, whereas if the application came via Sourcing the sharing type will be External Source. In the case of integrated job boards, the relevant name will be shown.
Channel: it is indicated where the fields were filled in, i.e. on Landing page (Career page or Job board or link), on Whatsapp, via Manual add (if they were added and invited) or via Cloned (if cloned and invited).