nCore displays innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to automate and simplify recruiting activities.
AI to support the creation and management of a position
When creation of a position, AI functions are available to support the completion of certain steps by providing the necessary information for the role being sought.
In the first step of Position Setup, you can automatically generate the position description by simply clicking on the AI - Generate description button above the Description box.
To create the job description, the AI will rely on the information entered in the Title, Subtitle and Company Info field located at the bottom of the Branding section.
The Subtitle and Company Info fields are optional, however, for a more accurate result, it is recommended to fill in the latter as well.
In the first setup step, within the Description field, an Inclusive AI feature is also available to optimize the job description provided. By clicking on AI - Optimize Inclusivity, the artificial intelligence will analyze the entered text and offer suggestions to improve it, identifying any biased or exclusionary elements that could limit access for potential candidates. Each suggestion provided by the AI can be accepted and integrated into the description or declined.
In the third step of the scoring questions you will find the AI-Generate questions field to create specific questions based on the basic requirements to be met for the profile you are searching for. To auto-generate them, you will need to select the number of questions you want from the field provided and click on Generate and finally on Add to list. The form that appears displays the questions and their answer options with scores already assigned.
In the fourth step of the Video Interview you can also self-generate questions to be asked to the candidate always related to the role. Here too, it is sufficient to define the number of questions and click on Generate.
Collect data and manage the selection via AI
In the selection process, AI functions are available to simplify data collection and candidate evaluation.
Among these, the nCognitive functionality allows you to estimate the positivity, negativity or neutrality of the response recorded by the candidate during the Video interview step, which will then be tracked and inherited within the candidate's profile (nCognitive tab).
To activate this option it will be necessary to set the video interview step within the position and in the Summary step go to the nCognitive tab to activate the nCognitive Attitude Analysis flag. The function will estimate and attribute a connotation to the candidate's response based on the Keywords used.
Another AI feature is the age recognition option, which automatically determines the candidates' age based on the data provided in their CV.
By entering the position and clicking on the Datatable , in fact, a series of default information will appear which can be made directly visible on columns in the list of candidates (Details, Rating, Score etc.) and among these the Age option will also appear. Clicking on it will make the new column visible in the list and it will show the age for each candidate (calculation based on the CV uploaded during the application phase).
Through AI Matching, artificial intelligence enables the creation of a match between the keywords of the position and the information in the candidates' CVs.
This functionality can be activated when creating the position, particularly in the last step of Summary.
In the Description (AI) tab, the description of the position entered in the initial step will be displayed and here it will be necessary to highlight with the mouse the keywords considered important for ranking and sorting the candidates.
Once underlined, in order to activate the AI Matching option, it will be necessary to click on AI matching - Add keyword+ from the pop-up, so that the Keywords will be listed in the bottom box AI Matching > Keywords Selected and thus the Keywords will be searched within the candidates' CVs (only if the related Dataset has been activated in the position).
There is also the possibility to enter keywords manually by typing them into the Keyword field and then clicking on Add.
Alternatively, keywords can be auto-generated using the AI - Generate Keywords button, which will be suggested by artificial intelligence and will be based on the position description entered.
In order to view the matching between the Keywords of the position and the candidates, you will have to enter the position and click on the AI Matching item from the Datatable.
By doing so, the corresponding column will appear in the list of candidates, in which the match for each candidate will be shown, represented by a blue bar.
This bar graphically represents the ranking of candidates, showing the match to the selected keywords compared to other candidates. This means that the value in question is not absolute and may vary as candidates with a higher or lower match enter the ranking.
Another useful AI feature in managing the selection process is AI ranking. With this function, recruiters can view an automatic and objective evaluation of candidates' CVs, based on the data contained in the CV and the specific requirements of the position the candidate has applied for. By hovering over the score, a summary of the evaluation and the reasons behind the score will be displayed. Accessing the candidate's profile will provide an even more detailed analysis of the CV, with final observations. Like Keyword Matching, this functionality is activated via the Datatable and displayed in the candidate list, offering a pre-filled and ready-to-use analysis.
It is also possible to use the artificial intelligence function to generate emails to be sent to the candidate via the Communicator. By clicking on the AI - Generate Email button, you will have to select the reason for which you want to create the communication (Candidate not selected and Phase passed). Possibly you can also add further details in the field Additional Info (e.g. high gross annual income, little experience in the role, etc.).
To generate the email, the artificial intelligence will take into account the Reason for the message, the candidate's CV and the requirements of the position (Description).