The following are the new features released on nCore HR in July 2023.
- Core Search: it's now possible to add a note to candidate profile sharing done by Core Search. The note will be visible in the body of the sharing email.
- Pipeline: information about the pipeline used is now available in the position summary. By hovering the cursor over the tooltip, you will be able to find the specification of the steps inside the pipeline entered in the position.
- External Recruiter: a Search field has been added to the positions dashboard to make it easier for users to navigate. Positions can be searched by title or ID which is now also visible in the External Recruiter application.
- Massive import of candidates: the functionality that allows massive upload of candidates within a position has been updated. Now, in addition to first name, last name, email it is also possible to import additional data on candidates in a massive way.
- Access Management: a new policy has been added to enable the massive import functionality for users. For users who do not have this option enabled, it will still be possible to import candidates individually.