In addition to the visual illustration of node or position statistics, it is possible to download an Excel file with the report containing additional information on what is visually illustrated.
To download the node statistics file, click on Node > Statistics > Advanced filter (to set the reference period) > Export data.
The downloaded file includes three sheets. The first sheet displays the overview of the relevant node and any sub-nodes connected to it. It displays information about the total number of positions, the total number of open positions, the number of Applications and Applicants.
Next, statistics on the channels used to publish the positions are described with their respective Landings and individual channel Conversion (how many 'landings' transformed into Applications).
The Funnel section shows the distribution of candidates between the different application steps (how many candidates are in the Dataset step, in the Questions step, in the Inbox folder and how many were marked by the system as Non-compliant according to the filters set in the Score Questions step).
Under Source, you will find the number of candidates invited to apply, cloned from other positions or manually imported.
Processed applications shows the number of processed applications with the respective percentage compared to the total number of applications received.
The Pipeline section shows all pipeline steps containing at least 1 candidate and the number of candidates in specific steps.
Interview provides information on the progress of the Video interview step (number of candidates invited to record it, number of candidates who actually recorded the video interview and the conversion rate).
Finally, there are two entries relating to Time to Hire and Time to Fill data.
In the second sheet of the file, you will find the data extracted from the last 1000 positions of specific node and any Subnodes connected to it.
Therefore, you will find information such as position ID, node, position title, position open and close date, status (open/closed), number of candidates within each step of the pipeline (only steps with at least 1 application are displayed), total landings, total applications, inbox status (how many candidates are in the Inbox folder), non-compliant status (how many candidates were marked by the system as Non-compliant during the Questions step), in progress status (candidates who have started but not yet finished their application).
The entries below indicate where the candidate came from.
That is, Source Candidated shows the number of users who applied from the position link. Source Manually Added shows all candidates added manually. Source Invitation shows all users who applied after receiving the invitation link. Source Cloned shows all candidates who were cloned from other positions. Source Massive Imported represents the number of candidates massively imported and TimeToHire shows the average per position of the time elapsed from the opening of a position to the selection of the candidate (by clicking the cup icon on the profile page). Other customized entries can also be found below, in case another channel is used for position publication.
The third sheet of the file is dedicated to the data relating to the sub-nodes of the node from which the statistics were downloaded. Here you can see the number of open positions, closed positions and the total number of applications received.