An authorization process section is available in nCore HR. It can be enabled in case you need to receive approval from managers to hire a candidate or post a position.
To set up an authorization processes, go to Node > Setup > Advanced Setup > Authorization Tool.
In Authorization Tool section, two boxes will appear to create two kinds of processes: the Authorization process for the selection of a candidate to get an authorization to hire a candidate and the Authorization process to open a new position to get an authorization to post a position.
Authorization processes to hire a candidate
To set up this process, you will need to click on Add new authorization process and, on the page that appears, you will need to enter the required information in the various fields, i.e. Authorization process name, Description, etc.
In the Badge field, you will visually define the icon and color of the process you are creating.
The Steps drop-down menu, will determine how many authorization steps the process should include (you can select from 1 to 5 steps). In this case, you can define whether approval by only one manager is sufficient for the final approval, or whether, after receiving approval from the first manager, the system must request it from another manager.
The selected steps will appear below, and for each of them the icon will appear, which will be used to add one or more managers to the specific step.
When you click on it, the tab to insert the manager will appear, and you will then have to fill in the Name, Surname and Email fields, while in the bottom right corner you will find the Add Manager button.
At the top of the tab you will also see the option Enter at start of process, which will be useful in the event that the name of the manager is not known at the outset and will only be notified later, before initiating the process.
Therefore, the option allows you to add a placeholder (with the Add placeholder manager button), through which the manager data will need to be filled in when the process is launched.
For each step, however, you can enter as many managers/placeholders as you wish, and from the [Min Auths Required] drop-down menu at the top of each step, you can set the minimum number of authorizations required for that step out of the total number of managers/placeholders added, in order to receive authorization or move on to the next step. In other words, in this section you can determine whether, if you add two managers to the same step, the authorization of only one of them, or both, will be sufficient to proceed.
When scrolling down, you will find the Templates which, at the beginning of the process, will be forwarded to the manager(s) for the Authorization request, the Vote confirmation and the Process completed notification (each of these templates can be modified if necessary).
In the request e-mail the manager will also find a link that will forward them to a tab, where they will be able to view the details of the position, the candidate's profile, the steps of the process with the managers involved and finally at the bottom they can leave notes in the Note box.
The manager will need to click on Reject or Authorize and, after their authorization, the system will automatically send the same request email to the manager(s) of the next step, if there are any.
The recruiter in turn will receive an email, with the records of all the confirmations/rejections of the manager(s), through which they will know whether to proceed with the hiring process.
The Authorization process, used to request authorization to hire a candidate, must be activated in one or more steps of the pipeline, into which the candidates who were considered to be suitable after the selection process will be dragged.
Therefore, immediately after the system templates, you will find all the pipeline steps created within the environment. In this section you will need to drag from left to right only the steps that are concerned, i.e. those from which you want to launch the process.
Once the various settings have been created, it will be necessary to select the Save process button in the bottom right corner.
Then, upon opening a position and dragging the candidates into the pipeline step, for which the authorization was activated, the Auth tab will appear in the candidate profile, where the respective authorization process must be selected from the drop-down menu.
To launch the process, simply click on Launch auth process and if a placeholder has been entered, the system will ask you to fill in the first name, surname and email of the manager.
Authorization processes to post a position
To activate the process, click on Add new authorization process in the top right corner, next to which you will also find the Settings option which will allow you to choose, via the drop-down menu which will appear, whether the outcome of the process by the manager will be Optional or Mandatory.
In the first case, the position can still be posted; in the second case, however, the system will block its publication until it has been accepted by the manager.
Returning to the creation of the process, by clicking on Add new authorization process you will open the same setup page as for the Authorization process.
Therefore, you will need to fill in the same fields (Authorization process name, Description, Badge, etc.), and also add as many steps as necessary for the process.
In the steps that will appear below you will have to enter the involved managers and/or the Placeholder managers and by scrolling down you will see the Templates for the emails sent to the managers (Authorization Request, Vote Confirmation and Process Completed).
Once everything is set up, you can then proceed with Save Process.
In this case, at the end of the position creation process it will be possible to launch the authorization process, specifically in the last step Summary, where, further down on the right side, the tab Auth will appear, in which the authorization process must be selected from the drop-down menu and consequently launched by clicking on Launch auth process.
In the event that the Mandatory option was previously set, the system will not allow publication, and it will be necessary to save the position in Drafts.
Only once the manager has authorized the process will the Publish Position button be reactivated.
Visibility on Authorisation Processes
Under Node > Auth Processes List the user will have visibility of:
- all authorisation processes launched within the nodes (if the user's role has the specific policy assigned in Access management);
- all processes launched by the user himself;
- all authorisation processes involving the user for approval. In this case, the user will see the process even if not involved in the current step (e.g.: the process is in step 1, but the user is involved in step 2). When the process enters the step in which the user is involved, the call-to-action with the link to the approval page will be highlighted.
Also in this part, the list of authorisation processes can be filtered by:
- Process status: Pending, Approved, Rejected
- Visibility: All processes, Processes started by me, Processes that involve me
- Process start period
The list of authorised processes will also show the following information for each process:
- ID and position name
- Process name
- User who started the process
- Date and time the process was started
- Node where the process was launched
- Process status
- Last action
- Number of steps set in the process (
by positioning the cursor you will have visibility of the step summary)
In the case of Applications Auth Processes List you will also see the candidate for whom you are requesting approval (clicking on this will take you to the profile overview), while in Positions Auth Processes List you will see the owner of the position.
For each of the lists, in addition, the corresponding Excel can be downloaded via the appropriate button .