Within the environment you have the Share option, which is useful for sharing candidate profiles and internal datasets with people outside the platform (e.g. managers).
Entering the candidate's profile, in fact, on the right-hand side you will find the Share action.
In that section you will be able to enter in the Share profile - Insert a new email field the email of the manager with whom you want to share the candidate profile.
By clicking on Send profile the manager in question will immediately receive an email containing the link that will forward him/her to the shared profile. By doing so, he/she will be able to consult all information on the candidate, without having to have access to the platform.
In the top right-hand corner, by clicking on More info, he/she will be able to access all the information that has been collected up to that moment and which could be: the Overview, the Internal Datasets, the candidate's position on the map, the answers to the score questions, the Assessment results, Timeline etc. and he/she will also be able to provide an evaluation, by selecting from 1 to 5 at the top.
In the background will also appear, if recorded, the candidate's asynchronous video interview.
Once the candidate has been shared, the recruiter will see a box below where he or she can verify that the manager has actually viewed the profile and where he or she will inherit his or her evaluation, if any. As soon as the sharing is done, the box will show the date of the first share, which will not change if the candidate is shared again with the same user. However, in the case of viewing by the manager, the date of first sharing will change to the date of last viewing of the shared profile.
Also in the Share section is a further sharing mode, i.e. Share direct access, where the candidate's profile sharing link can be copied and forwarded.
The manager clicking on the link will land, in the same way as with the first option, on the shared profile.
In the part below Position sharing options, on the other hand, you can decide to enable or disable certain information or Datasets, which are shared during the Share option and which you wish to make visible to the manager or not.
Below this, you will see a list of all the information that has been tracked so far in the candidate's profile and by selecting On or Off you will be able to enable or disable it.
The visibility of this information during the Sharing can also be predefined for all positions of the Node (and its connected Subnodes) by going to Node > Setup > Advanced Setup > Other > Default Sharing Options.
Here too you can enable or disable the Position information, Custom Datasets and Custom Internal Datasets and the update will automatically apply to the Sharing Options Position of all positions.
Should you need to share several candidates at once, the same option is available in mass mode from the drop-down menu above the list of candidates within the position.
Simply select the candidates in the list that you want to share (by ticking the box next to the candidate's photo) and then from the drop-down menu click on (Share) Send to.
In the window that opens, enter the manager's e-mail address and the profile will be automatically forwarded.
Within each position and more precisely in the personal profile of each candidate, Internal Datasets can be activated.
Internal Datasets are used to track important information about the candidate or, for example, the contract offer and you may need to share it with managers or ask them to fill in the relevant fields.
In this case, you will have to enter the candidate's profile, click on Internal Dataset and, for each Internal Dataset, select Request to fill in this internal dataset.
The Insert a new email box will then appear, where you will have to add the manager's email.
The manager will receive an e-mail with a link that will forward him/her to the candidate's profile, in which, in order to fill in the Internal Dataset, he/she will have to click on More info > Internal Dataset and then complete the required data.
The recruiter in turn will find traced in the Internal Dataset whether or not the email has been viewed by the manager and, once he has completed the fields requested of him/her, he/she will receive the email of completion and will be able to view the content of the updated fields within the candidate's profile.