The Applicants section at the top of the page, or Core Search, is a very useful and practical tool to look for candidates within the platform.
If the search is carried out within the Parent Node, the candidates resulting from the search will come from all Sub-Nodes, while if the search in this section is carried out within a specific Sub-Node the candidates resulting from the search will come exclusively from the Sub-Node in question and any Sub-Nodes connected to it.
In the Search filters box, which will always appear in the "Candidates" section, there are a number of filters to search for candidates.
First you need to select one or more filters and then click on the blue Calculate Results button (on the brown bar) in the bottom right corner and then click on Extract Results.
The list of candidates filtered according to the selected criteria will appear below. In this list you will find a series of settings to manage the candidates just filtered. From the drop-down menu, if desired, you will be able to organize a Live Meeting with the candidates, send them communications, share their profile with a manager, copy their profile to another position (without inviting them) and invite them to apply for another position.
Next to the drop-down menu on the left you will also find the Export button (the file icon with an "x" in the middle) which will allow you to download an Excel file with all the information of the candidates on the list.
Finally, the search just carried out can be saved by clicking the Save Search button, located on the brown bar in the bottom left corner. By clicking on Load Search you can reload the saved search and display the list of candidates again, where the difference between applications already displayed and to be displayed will be marked in bold.
In System Dataset & nCognitive you can filter candidates by name, surname, email, application period, etc., while in the Curriculum section, in the box below, you can enter a keyword you wish to look for in the candidates' CVs. There are other filters, such as: distance (expressed in Km between the address filled in by the candidate and the reference address entered) and the analysis of the Keywords used by the candidate during the asynchronous video interview (alongside you can also filter by keywords registered in this step of the application).
Whereas, in Dataset nCore candidates can be researched through the datasets created in the environment, which can be selected from the Dataset list drop-down menu. Subsequently, you will need to choose a specific dataset field from the Fields in Dataset menu and then, by clicking on Add, another drop-down menu with all the possible answers in the dataset field will appear, necessary to search for candidates who during the application process have selected a specific answer that is relevant to your research.
Example: the recruiter needs to find, in their database, all the candidates who have selected, as the answer to the dataset "knowledge of the English language", at least a B1 level. In this case, it is necessary to select the Linguistic Knowledge dataset from the drop-down Datasets list menu. Next, from the Fields in Dataset menu select English language as the name of the Dataset and from the menu Description shown in the field: English language, select the answer B1. To look for candidates who have C2 and C1 levels, you need to set up the respective filter, following the same procedure.
Under Other data you will find further search filters. You can filter candidates by evaluation (based on the average of the evaluations obtained), by pipeline step (candidates from a specific step), by channels (on which the candidates landed and from which they then applied for the position), by status (candidates who are in inbox, in progress, not-compliant, ...), by nodes and finally by position.
In conclusion, in the Query Builder part all the filters listed above can be managed on the basis of their importance to the search, thus establishing whether a field / filter is mandatory or optional (you need to select the MUST or SHOULD button).